Alpine wins contract for stadium in the world's largest sports center

Dubai Sports City commissions Alpine Bau Deutschland, Abu Dhabi Branch, to build a 25,000 seat cricket stadium with a contract value of approximately 50 million euros. The project is part of the "Dubai Sports City", the world's largest sports center.

Alpine will build the first of four sports stadiums in the Dubai Sports City in a joint venture consisting of Alpine Bau Deutschland AG and the Dubai-based Emirates Belbadi Contracting. The construction of the cricket stadium is expected to take about 2 years, with completion scheduled in mid-2008. The contract value is approximately 50 million euros.
U. Balasubramaniam, Dubai Sports City's CEO, announced the results of the tender during a press conference. Alpine, a renowned construction enterprise, won the contract to build the cricket stadium together with its joint venture partner, Belbadi.
Following the construction of the Allianz Arena in Munich, Alpine will continue with another world-class sports arena. The 25,000-seat stadium, which can be enlarged to seat up to 30,000, will meet the most demanding requirements of the players, organizers, spectators and the media. The stadium will be an architectural milestone and landmark in Dubai and the Dubai Sports City.